Days of Diocletian in Pictures - Dinner at the Cellars in Togas

By 31 August 2015

The 11th year of the Days of Diocletian was a huge success with many people enjoying the Roman history of the city coming alive through plays, a musical and parades of the "roman soldiers".

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(all photos: Dalmatinski Portal)

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For the official dinner at the Cellars, one had to wear a toga to get in, so the whole place turned into an interesting back-in-time dinner party with traditional old Split meals and an actual Emperor Diocletian with his Priska.

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According to the Dalmatinski Portal, the director of the Split Tourist Board Alijana Vukšić was thrilled by the response of the people and with all those selfies that were made these days, Split should get the best promotion ever - word of mouth accompanyied by the today´s technology and social networking.

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This year´s Days of Diocletian are over. We hope you enjoyed and had a great time. If you managed to make a picture or two, we´d love to see them!!
