
Great Tourism Results for Croatia in February

By 22 April 2016

Off- season tourism is achieving great results in Croatia.

Even though they say one swallow doesn't make a summer, if early tourist results are anything to go by then Croatia can expect another record season. Official tourist arrival and overnight stay figures for February were announced by the Croatian Bureau of Statistics on April 21, 2016, and the percentage of increase is expressed in double digits!

It seems Croatia is finally on the right track to achieve respectable off-season numbers since arrivals in February have increased by 18,4% while overnight stays are up by 16,1% compared to 2015.

Tourists have recorded 428.225 overnight stays, 40,2% by domestic and 59,8% by foreign guests. Overall, in February, Croatia had 5,7% more domestic guests in February and 24,3% more foreign visitors than in February of 2015.

Looking at t nationality of guests, most of them were from Slovenia (20,5%), Austria (10,0% ), Italy (9,7 %), Germany (8,6 %), Bosnia and Herzegovina (6,4 %) and Korea (5,5 %), while guests from other countries make up for the remaining 39,3%.

In total, during January and February of 2016, commercial accommodation units in Croatia recorded a 14% increase in arrivals and 12,8% in overnight stays. Let’s hope the trend will continue throughout the year since we all know just how much the Croatian GDP depends on this particular industry.
