
Parliament Adopts Law on Concessions, NGOs and Opposition Protest

By 1 July 2017

The controversial law was unexpectedly put to the vote on Friday.

With 77 votes in favour, on Friday afternoon, the Parliament adopted the Law on Concessions. The ruling majority has previously rejected all the amendments put forward by the opposition. The law was passed by a thin majority after it was unexpectedly included in the voting schedule, reports Dalmacija Danas on 1 July 2017.

Four members of Parliament, Zlatko Hasanbegović, Željko Glasnović, Ivan Lovrinović and Bruna Esih, did not vote for the law but, unlike the rest of the opposition, they remained in the legislative chamber and buttressed the necessary quorum, which would otherwise be precariously close to the threshold of 76 MPs.

The law was due to be voted on earlier this June, but the Island Movement initiative had organised protests across the coast and the islands, as well as at the square in front of the Parliament building, after which the voting on the law was postponed. The Island Movement and the opposition parties say that the law is harmful because it does not sufficiently protect the public interest and favours individuals and business interests.

“Voters have been cheated. How will those who have supported this law look their neighbours in the eye tomorrow,” said Miro Bulj (MOST) after the vote.

“You are fighting against your own people, the same people who have elected you to the Parliament, and who were forced to come here to the square in front of the Parliament building in order to have their votes heard, who alarmed all of our islands and coastal areas, the same people who up to this moment believed in this country. You have forcefully pushed this law, as well as the CETA agreement, and there was no reason not to have another debate on them. Why can we not listen to the voice of our people?” asked Ivana Ninčević Lesandrić (MOST).

The representatives of the government say that the law is good and that it does not jeopardise the importance of the public good. They add that this is a framework law which lays down the principles for granting concessions and that all further details will be determined by the new Law on Maritime Domain.

“The critical issue now is whether the Island Movement will become a resistance movement. We will use all legal possibilities for challenging this law, the procedure under which it has been passed and under which concessions will be granted, especially those concerning the maritime domain issue,” said Maja Jurišić (Island Movement) after the adoption of the law.
