
Indian Companies Interested in Investing in Brod - Posavina County

By 14 January 2016

Indian Ambassador visits Slavosnki Brod

The new Indian ambassador to Croatia Sandeep Kumar was in his inaugural visit to Slavonski Brod on January 13, 2016. During his stay, he expressed interest in current operations and the production line of “Đuro Đaković” and other local companies, particularly in sectors related to the automotive industry.

“Even though India is a much larger country than Croatia, its investors are very much interested in business cooperation with Croatia and all its regions. We are especially interested in cooperating with Brod – Posavina County and the city of Slavonski Brod because of their favourable geostrategic location, economic and industrial potential. One particular area of interest is the automotive industry; production of parts and especially production of tractors and agricultural equipment” said his excellence Sandeep Kumar.

Economic cooperation between India and Croatian regions, especially in metalworking industry (Đuro Đaković), traffic and transport were the main topics discussed during the meeting of the Indian Ambassador and Brod – Posavina County prefect Danijel Marušić. More intense diplomatic contacts will take place in regarding potential Indian investments in Croatia, and the second visit was arranged so that the Indian delegation can take a closer look at Duro Đaković’s factories. Indian Ambassador Kumar also met with representatives of the University and College of Mechanical Engineering and the mayor of Slavonski Brod, Mirko Duspar.
