
Economic Growth Needed to Reduce Emigration

By 6 September 2017

It is easy to say it, but harder to actually do it.

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Economy, Entrepreneurship and Crafts Martina Dalić said on Wednesday that the government was aware of the problem of mass emigration of Croatian citizens and that the long-term solution to this issue is economic growth, reports N1 on September 6, 2017.

“The issue of people leaving the country and finding jobs in other EU countries, where they receive higher salaries, is a problem we are aware of. All the activities of the government are directed towards finding a solution. The only long-term solution is to strengthen the economy and economic growth which will bring businesses more work and higher incomes, and therefore increase the salaries,” said Dalić.

The short-term solution is quotas for the import of labour from other countries. “In the short term, we will have to continue with such measures to overcome the current lack of labour. With the economic growth, which will bring higher wages, I believe that some of the people who went abroad in search of better salaries will return,” she said.

Responding to a journalist's question about raising the minimum wage, Dalić pointed that at the beginning of the year it was increased by some 150 kunas, which was a larger increase than in the previous four years. “Raising the minimum wage was complementary to the tax reform and the tax burden reduction,” she added.

Dalić also pointed out that entrepreneurs have access to grants from the European funds. “These funds increase business competitiveness, strengthen investments and contribute to lower costs, thus allowing better management of other expenses, including salaries,” said Dalić.

During her visit to Međimurje County, the Deputy Prime Minister met with county leaders and mayors of Čakovec, Mursko Središće and Prelog. Prefect of Međimurje County Matija Posavec presented a project of revitalisation of former military facilities, for which a grant of 12 million kunas was received a few days ago.

“We have also discussed further investments in infrastructure through European and national funds, and we have already proved that we are a county which attracts the most European funds per capita,” Posavec said.

During the day, Dalić will also visit Pušćine and Prelog, where she will sign a grant agreement with Prelog Mayor Ljubomir Kolarek for the construction of an entrepreneurial centre in the town. The value of the project is 16.1 million kunas, of which 15.8 million kunas will be covered by the grant from the Ministry.

Translated from N1.
