
Croatian Company to Export Cargo Wagons to Germany

By 9 February 2018

ZAGREB, February 9, 2018 - The Đuro Đaković Specijalna Vozila, a joint-stock company and member of the Đuro Đaković Group, has closed a deal with the German European Rail Rent (ERR) company for the delivery of cargo wagons to transport coiled sheet metal, valued at 34.5 million kuna, the Slavonski Brod-based company reported on Thursday.

The 4-axle covered Shimmns TTU wagons, designed to transport sheet metal coils used primarily in the automobile industry, will be produced and delivered in Q3 of this year.

The company notes in a press release that the coils are placed in cradles equipped with special reinforcement mechanisms and are protected from external weather conditions.

"Over the past ten years, the Đuro Đaković Special Vehicles company has developed, produced and delivered a large quantity of various cargo wagons for the demanding German market and in that regard this contract represents the continuation of activities over the years in developing new products as well as developing relations with buyers," the company said.

The ERR operative team have long-standing experience in leasing, managing, constructing, reconstructing and financing freight wagons, the company's web site notes.
