
Frankfurt Airport Looking for Employees from Croatia

By 18 April 2018

The lowest starting annual gross salary is 25,000 euro.

The airport in Frankfurt is one of the five most important airports in Europe and the thirteenth largest airport in the world by the number of passengers it serves. Last year, it had over 64.5 million passengers. However, the European transport hub is facing a significant problem, and that is a shortage of workers, which is why Fraport, the company managing the airport, has decided on a series of radical moves which could benefit workers from Croatia in particular, reports on April 18, 2018.

At present, the Frankfurt Airport, or more precisely Fraport and its daughter companies, need more than 2,000 workers, which means that one-tenth of all positions at the companies are currently vacant. Given that the summer vacation season will start in just two months when the airport will need even more workers to operate normally, Fraport has decided to try to find workers in the southeastern member states of the European Union, according to the German media.

Head of the Human Resources Department at the Frankfurt Airport Michael Muller said he wanted to “talk directly with workers from Croatia, Bulgaria and Greece who are interested in taking vacant positions,” pointing out that they were looking for people with diverse backgrounds, from traffic technicians to service personnel.

To begin with, Fraport plans to present its offer and is looking for people with just the basic knowledge of the German or English language. This year, they plan to employ from Croatia, Bulgaria and Greece at least a hundred people, which is just five percent of the number needed to fill all the vacant positions. A more aggressive hiring spree is planned for 2019.

When it comes to salaries, jobs which do not require any unique qualifications, such as handling luggage, are offered with an annual gross salary of 25,000 to 30,000 euro, which is “significantly above the minimum wage in Germany,” said Müller. However, since housing in Frankfurt is relatively expensive, Fraport also offers paid rooms to workers in nearby hotels, and plans to rent apartments in modern buildings in Kelsterbach, a suburb of Frankfurt close to the airport.

They also add that the airport in Frankfurt offers a total of 81,000 jobs and that a number of other companies doing business there are also looking for workers.

Muller points out that it is not their intention to hire seasonal workers, but are instead “seeking people who will stay here permanently.” This means that the employer promises help in bringing family members to Germany. The Frankfurt Airport currently employs people of 88 different nationalities, who will help newcomers with the integration.

Thus, Fraport offers workers from Croatia a salary which is higher than the German minimum wage, housing assistance, a possibility to bring their family members and many other benefits because it wants to get workers who will stay with the company long-term.

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