
Half of Croatian Population Would Leave the Country in Search for a Job

By 8 March 2016

Where would Croatians go to look for work and under what circumstances?

Forty-eight percent of respondents in a poll conducted by MojPosao said they would move to any country in search of a better job. Among the most desired locations are Australia, United States, Switzerland, Norway, Canada, Iceland and New Zealand, while they would also consider Asia under certain circumstances. "The same job I would do in Croatia for 1,000 euros or in western Europe for 3,000 euros, I would agree to do in the Middle East for 10,000 euros", one respondent explained, reports on March 8, 2016.

The survey covering 3,200 respondents showed that all English-speaking countries seem attractive to those that would consider leaving Croatia, at least for a while. However, some emphasize that such a decision would be only a temporary solution. "I wouldn’s shy away from an adventure, and I would use it to earn some money. But, I would definitely not look for an opporunity to move away for good", another respondent said. A high school student who participated in the poll added that he already had a certain vision which includes "a job in a foreign country for a certain period of time".

Twenty five percent of respondents would move only to EU countries. Their reasons are stability, remaining close to home, as well as mentality, culture and climate they are familiar with. Among the most desired destinations are Germany, Austria and Ireland.

There are also 14 percent of respondents who would be willing to change their place of residence only within Croatia. Some survey participants explain this lower mobility with the health condition of their family members. The most attractive cities in Croatia are Zagreb, Rijeka and Zadar. "In Croatia, I am at home, no matter which city I live in. Of course, this goes for those who can live on their salary", a poll respondent said. Another one added, "You can do anything in this country as well, if you want to do it and if you know how."

Among the poll participants, 13 percent want to work only in their own town. They do not want to move because of their kids and school or because they already own a home. They believe there is no place like home and are certain that the bright future is awaiting them at home as well. "There is no better place than home. Claims that life in other countries is amazing are far from true", a respondent pointed out. "I believe it is best to work wherever you feel your best, and that is at home", another one concluded.
