
Dalmacijavino Workers Protest against Government

By 4 May 2018

ZAGREB, May 4, 2018 - About a hundred workers from the bankrupt Dalmacijavino company gathered in Split on Friday in front of a building where a cabinet meeting was underway, demanding that Prime Minister Andrej Plenković or his ministers receive them to discuss their outstanding claims.

Dalmacijavino shop steward Danica Stipović said that, following the correspondence with the government and ministers, they have never received any reply even though they are all aware of the problems in Dalmacijavino and workers' demands.

"We hope, expect and believe that the government has come with some concrete solutions for Split. Considering that it will be resolving some large problems, by the same token they can resolve the problem of 522 Dalmacijavino workers who are spending a lot of time walking the streets and demanding their rights," Stipović said.

Once again she recalled that workers are demanding claims in the amount of 64 million kuna which is sitting in the Commercial Court's depository account. The workers believe that if they were paid out that wouldn't necessarily impact the budget but would resolve an injustice caused to workers from this bankrupt company.

The amount of 64 million kuna was collected from the sale of Dalmacijavino's real estate and is sitting in the Commercial Court in Split. In late February, the court ordered that a proposal be drawn up on how to divide the proceeds, but as far as the public is aware, this still hasn't been done.
