
Microsoft, Johnson & Johnson and Adris Pay Highest Salaries in Croatia

By 19 July 2018

The average salary in Microsoft Croatia is over 41,000 kuna.

Employees of Microsoft have the highest average salaries in Croatia. According to the latest data published by the Financial Agency (Fina), the average monthly net salary for 52 employees in the Microsoft’s Croatian branch last year amounted to as much as 41,428 kuna, reports on July 19, 2018.

The second place, with the average monthly net salary of 40,710 kuna, belonged to a local branch of another multinational corporation – Johnson & Johnson, which employs 93 people in Croatia.

At the third place was Adris Group’s parent company with 27 employees: the average monthly net salary was 38,415 kuna, followed by Huawei Technologies, which was ranked fourth; its 14 employees received 34,671 kuna a month on average.

Among the top 20 companies in terms of average salaries last year, 16 are in foreign ownership. Of the 20 companies, 18 are privately owned, and one, Končar-Elektroindustrija, is in mixed ownership. The average salary of 43 employees in Končar EI was 21,615 kuna. Only one of the top 20 companies is owned by the state. That is the Croatian Air Control Service, whose 726 employees received on average 24,793 kuna in net monthly salaries.

The Fina also analysed salaries in the period since 2001 and the results show a steady rise. While the average net salary in the real economy sector in 2001 amounted to 3,068 kuna, last year it was 5,372 kuna, which is 75 percent more. The average monthly net salary of 5,372 kuna in 2017 was nominally 4.3 percent higher than the year before. The real growth, when inflation is taken into account, was 3.2 percent.

The growth of salaries in recent years can largely be attributed to the shortage of labour, which is a result of mass emigration from Croatia. Employers in a number of sectors – from agriculture, construction, shipbuilding, tourism and hospitality to IT – find it harder than ever to find workers, and they try to keep their current employees with salary increases.

Still, salaries in many sectors salaries are still low. According to the Fina data, the average monthly net salary in the manufacturing industry last year stood at 5,382 kuna, in trade sector at 5,166 kuna, and in construction at 4,702 kuna.

The Fina analysis included a total of 120,081 businesses in Croatia. This figure did not include the financial sector. In the companies covered by the study, there were 882,884 employees last year, less than in 2008, when there were 933,625 people employed in the real sector.

Translated from (reported by Adriano Milovan).
