Do companies and states lack the know-how needed for digitalization?
The 11th King ICT Day of Open Integration Conference took place recently in Zagreb. Many interesting opinions could be heard, including the one that, despite all the problems, the digitalization of the Croatian state administration system should soon become a reality, reports on March 20, 2016.
Bernard Gršić, Assistant Minister of Administration for e-Croatia, said there are action plans already in place (including shorter deadlines for implementation), oriented towards what citizens and businesses are most interested in – further digitalization of public administration system which should become a modern service.
Another participant, Martin Born, a manager with the international consulting firm Arthur D. Little, said that everyone is talking about digitalization, but nobody is truly ready for it. "So far, most of the companies are digitally flexible, some of them are digitally-conscious, one smaller part is digitally-oriented but very few are focused on that goal. What is interesting is that the critical challenges for the companies are the lack of all the necessary knowledge and the complexity of the process. Plus, many are of the opinion that the matter is not so urgent", he added.
Irena Langer Breznik, managing director of eKupi, stressed the importance of the thoughtful strategy and insistence on quality during digitization. Boris Trupčević, general manager at Styria Media Group Croatia, agreed with her. Noting that the consumption of the media digital content soared from three to 40 percent in just about 15 years and is expected to reach 80 percent in the next 15 years, Trupčević pointed out that it was important to spot the right trend. And, what are the megatrends of the present day? Mobile platforms, personalization of user experiences and video content.
Dimitrije Trbović, CEO of Auto Zubak, spoke about positive experiences and ambitions of his company, which launched its own service platform. It is believed that the automotive industry in general seriously lags behind the trends in communication with customers.
Boris Bauk, Managing Director of HP Enterprise Croatia, gave an interesting presentation on how Hewlett-Packard has changed while making big strategic decisions – from the division of the company into two parts to moving to the cloud. This has allowed them to adapt to the new demands of the market and of the customers, but also to predict some future requirements.