
Croatia Airlines to Get Strategic Partner

By 28 August 2018

ZAGREB, August 28, 2018 - Croatia Airlines (CA) is preparing a call to select a financial consultant to assist in preparing a model for the injection of fresh capital and finding a strategic partner, the airline told Hina on Tuesday, adding that the tender "should come to life very soon."

Noting that the specific date of advertising the tender or any other schedules have not been determined yet, CA recalled that the National Reform Plan for 2018 notes, among other things, that the company's objective is to ensure its further development and strengthen its competitive advantages and position.

"It has been determined that CA's objective is to expand its transport network and increase its market share, which will be implemented through a quality strategic partnership along with essential fresh capital being injected. As such, CA is preparing a call for bids for financial consultant services with the aim of preparing an appropriate model that will be used to inject fresh capital and find a strategic partner," CA said.

CA has launched the procedure to find a strategic partner after Minister of the Sea, Transport and Infrastructure, Oleg Butković, announced that move at an inner cabinet meeting last week. "CA's management will advertise a call for consultants," he said then and added that steps were being taken to "find a strategic partner."
