
Women as Entrepreneurs Important for Economic Growth

By 6 November 2018

ZAGREB, November 6, 2018 - The state is not aware of the potential of female entrepreneurship, and it is business women who are affected the most by anti-entrepreneurial climate and social barriers, it was said at a ceremony organised in Zagreb on Tuesday by the Women in Adria network for recipients of this year's awards for the best female entrepreneurs.

The founder of the network, Ivana Matić, said that she believed in the development of business on the Croatian market and exports and that she expected state authorities to help in efforts aimed at job creation.

She also said that most businesses led by females are micro businesses, which means that women in those businesses are both the director and the main worker.

Croatian Association of Employers president Gordana Deranja called on local communities to be more engaged in the development of female entrepreneurship. In that context, she warned that every fourth local community does not have institutions catering for preschool children or the elderly who need round-the-clock care, which is why women lack employment opportunities as in most cases it is women who care for children and the elderly.

In order to enable women to be employed or self-employed, it is essential to open kindergartens and day-care centres for the elderly. That requires changes in the society, Deranja said. She added that "females should be encouraged to start up their own businesses and take over responsible positions in companies in which they are employed."

Canada's Deputy Ambassador Emily Nicholson said that the Canadian government promoted diversity and inclusion as an integral part of the creation of an economy suiting everybody. The companies that promote gender diversity in their executive positions achieve better financial results and promote innovativeness, thus contributing to economic growth, the diplomat said.

To read more about the position of women in Croatia, click here.
