
Croatian Health Insurance Fund Records Positive Financial Results?

By 2 December 2018

ZAGREB, December 2, 2018 - The Croatian Health Insurance Fund (HZZO) reported recently that it was continuing to achieve good financial results this year and that in the first nine months of the year, it had generated a positive financial result of more than 668 million kuna.

These results are due to positive macroeconomic trends, and in particular due to the 5.4% increase in the average gross wage, HZZO stated.

The Croatian Health Insurance Fund's Jan - Sept revenue was 5.81% higher year-on-year and amounted to 18.5 billion kuna.

The higher contribution rate of 4.08% was conducive to this, as did a 20% increase in revenue from the budget which led to an additional 500 million kuna in contributions increasing from 2.5 kuna billion to 3 billion kuna.

This has resulted in a positive financial result in that period of about 668 million kuna, HZZO said.

The report further added that the average number of total insurees is decreasing, however, the number of active insurees is growing and as of 30 September there was an average of 1,563,452 registered employees, which is an nominal increase of 42,191 employees or 2.77% compared to the same period last year.

The rate of people on sick leave in the period from January to September increased slights and amounted to 3.41% y-on-y (3.22% in 2017) but has fallen compared to the first six months of this year when it amounted to 3.53%.

For more on Croatia’s health system, click here.
