
Road and Motorway Operators Plan to Invest over 3.2 Billion Kuna

By 19 June 2019

ZAGREB, June 19, 2019 - The state-owned roads operator Hrvatske Ceste (HC) plans to invest 2.6 billion kuna in road construction and maintenance this year, while the Hrvatske Autoceste (HAC) motorways company will invest 627 million kuna for the same purpose, Minister of Maritime Affairs, Transport and Infrastructure Oleg Butković told a cabinet meeting on Wednesday.

HC will invest 942 million kuna, or 37 percent of the planned amount, in road construction using EU funds, 640 million kuna or 25 percent in road construction using own funds, 548 million kuna or 21 percent in reconstruction and maintenance, and 423 million kuna or 17 percent in regular and extraordinary maintenance.

Among the key projects mentioned by the minister are road connectivity with southern Dalmatia (3.2 billion kuna), a multi-modal platform in the Split agglomeration (2.44 billion kuna), the DC 403 road in the Rijeka area (500 million kuna), and the Okučani-Gradiška junction and bridge across the Sava river (530 million kuna).

HAC plans to invest 245 million kuna of own funds, or 39 percent of the planned amount, in motorway construction, 224 million kuna of own funds, or 36 percent, in extraordinary maintenance, HRK 62 million of EU funds, or 10 percent, in construction and extraordinary maintenance, and the remaining 97 million kuna, or 15 percent, in construction and maintenance.

HAC's ongoing investment projects include work on the Beli Manastir - Halas bridge section of the Corridor Vc motorway, while the section between Beli Manastir and the Hungarian border, the Novi Vinodolski ring road and the Lekenik-Sisak section are under preparation.

More news about Croatian roads can be found in the Business section.
