
NGO Against Sugary Drinks Tax and Higher Taxes on Cigarettes and Alcohol

By 12 August 2019

ZAGREB, August 12, 2019 - The Lipa taxpayers' association has recently launched an online petition against the introduction of taxes on sugar in non-alcoholic beverages and against plans to increase taxes on cigarettes and alcohol.

Lipa, which describes itself as "the voice of taxpayers in public discourse", has stated that the taxation of drinks with added sugar and higher tobacco and alcohol taxes "will improve nothing in your lives".

It will only increase the amount of money made available to the "too wasteful state", Lipa says in a press release.

The NGO is against a new tax being imposed on sugary drinks "under the pretext of protection of young people against obesity" and insists that cheap fast food, the only type of food available to impoverished citizens, is the cause of obesity.

The association calls for reducing the tax burden and enhancing living standards to improve citizens' eating habits.

It also calls on the government to implement the 2019 National Reform Programme, which includes the merger of hospitals, further development of integrated public procurement, digitisation and efficient human resources management in the health system, as a way of improving public health.

More news about taxes can be found in the Business section.
