
Croatian Chamber of Commerce Cancelling Fees for Struggling Businesses

By 21 March 2020

As the coronavirus crisis tightens its grip on public health and the gloal economy, the powers that be in Croatia are stepping forward to at least bring more financial ease to Croatian companies and enterprises during these extremely tying and unpredictable times. The Croatian Chamber of Commerce, which is frequently otherwise critised, is one of them.

As Novac/Adriano Milovan writes on the 20th of March, 2020, the Croatian Chamber of Commerce (HGK) has decided to suspend the obligation for Croatian companies to have to pay membership fees if their operations have been disabled due to the coronavirus epidemic.

The move from the Croatian Chamber of Commerce was also based on the decision of the Civil Protection Staff of the Republic of Croatia and their measures on limiting social gatherings, social and sporting events, and so on.

''This is a situation where we all have to carry the burden and show some solidarity. We're reduce wages and defering any expenses not necessary for function. The focus of all our activities is on solving the problems of businesses. Our expert services receive thousands of inquiries per day, and the contact centre is available for contact 24 hours a day. At this point, the Croatian Chamber of Commerce is the economic headquarters of the entire country,'' said the Croatian Chamber of Commerce's president, Luka Burilovic.

The Financial Services Department of the Croatian Chamber of Commerce undertook an analysis and made the decision to cancel membership fees for the next three months, or for as long as necessary, depending on the situation with coronavirus, for all entrepreneurs who, due to the difficult situation in which they've now found themselves, aren't generating income.

"Given the current situation, this step is the only logical continuation of our efforts to make life easier for businesses during this crisis," Burilovic concluded.

Make sure to follow our business page for more on business in Croatia. Stay up to date with our dedicated section for rolling information in English on coronavirus in Croatia.
