
Gaming in Croatia: 240 Million Kuna Campus to be Constructed

Gaming in Croatia didn't take long to become a hit, and as Poslovni Dnevnik writes on the 12th of July, 2020, the success of just one startup in the gaming industry could pay off in terms of what has been invested so far in the project of turning Novska into a regional centre for video game development.

As Vecernji list reports, the aforementioned industry is one that is worth an eye-watering amount of money and just one single hit game has the ability to bring in hundreds of millions of kuna, they say from the PISMO business incubator, which is the only one specialised in the gaming industry in not only Croatia but in the wider region.

Their next related project is the Campus Gaming Industry, and indeed, the gaming industry earned 120 billion US dollars globally last year, four percent more than it did back in 2018.

The most popular game last year was the ubiquitous ''Fortnite'', which grossed as much as 1.8 billion US dollars from sales made throughout the year 2019, more than any other game ever in one single year.

When compared to figures like that, the 420 million kuna that is planned to be invested in the future gaming industry campus in Novska doesn't even sound like much. The campus which will encourage all things gaming in Croatia and indeed beyond into the wider region should be located in the Novska Entrepreneurial Zone, on a plot covering more than 90,000 square metres in total.

There will be four basic facilities on the campus area. The first is a faculty covering approximately 9,000 square metres of gross area and dormitories for guest lecturers, which provides a five-year programme with fifty students per year in programming and graphics and around which cooperation has already been established with faculties from both Malaysia and New York.

A student dormitory covering an area of 11,500 square metres will be constructed, as will an accelerator for the gaming industry and an business incubator for eSport with a hall with a capacity of 4,000 seats.

The accelerator of the gaming industry will include a recording studio, meeting rooms and a hall with new gaming equipment, and it will be possible to educate high school students and everyone else who is interested in this industry, reports Vecernji list.

For more on gaming in Croatia, follow our business section.
