
More Lika-Senj County Capital Investments on Horizon

May the 29th, 2022 - There will be more Lika-Senj County capital investments on the cards, according to the director of the the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development's Financial Association for the Republic of Croatia (EBRD), who recently paid a visit to Gospic.

As Novi list/Marin Smolcic writes, the director of the EBRD's Financial Association for Croatia, Victoria Zinchuk, spent the day in Lika-Senj County recently and visited Gospic. The visit and meetings were very fruitful, with more Lika-Senj County capital investments on the horizon.

A working meeting of Lika-Senj County prefect, Ernest Petry, with Director Zinchuk was held in Lika-Senj County, where they discussed Lika-Senj County capital investments as we move forward, and the possibility of monitoring them with the use of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development.

The continuation and expansion of cooperation between the two entities in the coming period was quickly agreed upon. After the meeting, the Director of the EBRD for Croatia, Victoria Zinchuk, who is otherwise a Ukrainian citizen by nationality, accompanied by the host, visited the Reception Centre for the Care of Ukrainian Citizens in Gospic.

She expressed her gratitude to this part of the Republic of Croatia for the rapid way in which it has extended endless amounts of help to Ukraine and fleeing Ukrainian refugees. Through special efforts and a lot of initiative, this Croatian county has created some of the most optimal conditions for the accommodation of refugees from Ukraine staying in Croatia following Russian invasion of their country.

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