Digital Nomads

Poliklinika Glavic Announces Free 12-Month Dubrovnik Digital Nomad Healthcare

By 17 October 2020
Poliklinika Glavic Announces Free 12-Month Dubrovnik Digital Nomad Healthcare
Photos copyright Cyndie Burkhardt

October 17, 2020 - There was one more surprise in the final presentation of the opening day of the Dubrovnik for Digital Nomads conference - an offer of free digital nomad healthcare for 12 months from Polyclinic Glavic.

It was quite a day.And it was almost over, the wine and snacks of the after party just a few minutes away. 

The first digital nomad conference in Croatia had had quite an opening day. Keynote speakers on the ground and online from various location all over the world had delivered some very thought-provoking presentations. There had been a digital nomad visa update from Jan de Jong, who also announced the founding of the Croatian Digital Nomad Association.  

Another highlight featured earlier today on TCN was Traveloffpath blogger Kashlee Kuteran and her inspiring presentation from British Columbia - "Croatia Has the Potential To Be World's Number 1 Digital Nomad Destination"

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(Dubrovnik Deputy Mayor Jelka Tepsic, left, with Polyclinic Glavic's Nikolina Kurtela)

There had been lots to process in a very stimulating day, with just a 10-minute presentation from a health clinic separating us from a well-earned glass of wine or three. 

How I underestimated the content of that presentation, as Nikolina Kurtela produced perhaps the most stunning commitment of the day. 

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Nikolina had a tough act to follow, coming as she did immediately after Kashlee's inspiring presentation from Canada. 

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A successful Dubrovnik clinic for over 25 years, and with a clinic in Zagreb and plans to open in Madrid and Amsterdam, Glavic specialises in rehabilitation therapy (learn more from their official website). Having expressed enthusiasm and support for the conference, it was left to Nikolina to show just how much Polyclinic Glavic intended to support the initiative to open the doors of Dubrovnik to digital nomads.

"We will offer free healthcare for any digital nomad in Croatia for 12 months if they have the digital nomad visa."


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Not that Nikolina thinks there will be much requirement for a doctor while visiting Dubrovnik, for the excellent reasons listed above. 

As mentioned earlier, progress on the digital nomad visa is smooth, and instigator Jan de Jong expects all the legislation to be wrapped up by the end of the year, with the visa available in the first quarter of 2021. 

The Glavic free digital nomad healthcare commitment is an excellent addition to Dubrovnik's emerging digital nomad story. It is also symbolic of one more exciting aspect to this story - seeing how local businesses are becoming aware of the opportunity and looking at proactive ways that they can contribute. 

Nikolina has kindly agreed to an interview with TCN in which we will look at her kind offer in more detail. 

For the latest digital nomad news from Croatia, follow the dedicated TCN section
