Island News

Forest Fire on Hvar - 100 Firemen Fighting Fire near Jagodna

By Ivana 9 August 2015
According to Slobodna Dalmacija, the fire started at 15:35 somewhere at the Jagodna bay at the north side of the island, between Brusje and Hvar town and Fire brigades from Hvar, Stari Grad and Jelsa, 70 firemen in total. At about 17:00 4 Canadiar joined them until 19:45 in their fight against the fire in a hardly accessible terrain.

The spokesman of the Hvar Fire Brigade Cvjetko Mazalina stated, that the afternoon wind (Maestral) was spreading the fire in the North-East direction, but at the moment no residential, nor agricultural facilities are at danger.

kanader(photo: Slobodna Dalmacija)

More help from Hvar and Split should have arrived for the night to have more than 100 firemen on the spot with 10 special fire trucks trying to localize the fire. More information will be available in the morning.

We wish them all the luck there is. Stay safe!!

Read the whole article here.
