Island News

Petar Grašo Tomorrow, Goran Karan Next Week - New Place Opening in Stari Grad

By Ivana 20 August 2015
The shopping centre at the Stari Grad ferry port has undergone some changes during this winter and spring. Shops have been moved or renovated or both and a new parking space was the results of many months of heavy machine works on the site.
At the moment, on the ground floor, there is the very popular Drogerie Markt (DM), the Tommy supermarket after a complete renovation, the KiK store, an Amadeus cloth store and the Dota (home textiles). Mana cloth store moved to the first floor and on the opposite site a new cafe club will open tomorrow.
Island bar is the newest addition to the cafes and as it seems also to the clubs of Stari Grad. For the opening night, there is a free concert of Petar Grašo planned and according to, Goran Karan should sing for the guests of the cafe the week after.

Here are some pictures of the Island bar from Dalmatinski Portal website. The concert will take place tomorrow on August 21 from 23:00. More info on the Island bar Facebook page.

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