On June 16th, literature lovers rejoice to celebrate Bloomsday, a festival in honor of Ulysses novelist and former Pula resident, James Joyce.
Marking the 6th edition this year, Bloomsday festival is celebrated in Pula each year to celebrate Irish literary legend James Joyce. Joyce, who lived in Pula from 1904 -1905, wrote none other than his most fantastic literary novel Ulysses during his time there. Joyce chose June 16th as the beginning date for his famous novel Ulysses, and ironically enough, it is also the date when he and Norma Barnacle, his lifelong love, had their first romantic liaison. This year’s Bloomsday festival explores Joyce's idea of traveling.
This year’s program includes coffee readings of famous novels, exhibitions at the Pula city library, and a nighttime walk tracing Joyce’s famous steps.
You can find the full program below: