
“Dress To Impress Party” In Varadero Cocktail Bar Impresses Tennis World In Bol

International music star DJ Antoine & resident DJs entertained guests of the WTA Bol Open at Cocktail Bar Varadero long through the night - a photo gallery.

Forget Saint-Tropez, Bol is here, and it is a classy place. On June 3, 2016, the WTA Bol Open and Cocktail Bar Varadero staged the performance of international music star DJ Antoine, and we were lost for words to express the feeling brought both by the organizers and the guests.

A picture is worth a thousand words, so maybe the images will provide you with some feelings that were in the air last night in Bol, Brač.

Love is in the air
Tena Lukas
International star Luyanna will perform today in Bol, and the Cuban dancing queen Ana Karla Suarez tomorrow, but last night they have just enjoyed the party
A cocktail, Sir? Here it is...
He was enjoying too
A glimpse of Dalmatian beauty
it was packed
More Dalmatian beauty
...and a bit more...
Tournament Director, Mr. Feliks Lukas finnaly relaxed for a while
Working people of Croatian media
Can't get enough of Dalmatian beauty
Another picture of this beauty, any objections?
