Bad Hair Day? Charlie's Bar Does It Best!

Everyone’s favorite, fun loving backpackers bar has been hosting some stellar summer events. With their latest Bad Hair Day party, patrons from all walks of life participated to liven up an already alive atmosphere, and the vibe was one of the best yet.

Charlie’s Bar, the place where you live at if you’re an expat, the place you never want to leave as a traveling backpacker, and the place local Split folks feel like they can fully let loose, hosted a hairy event the other night, and by hairy, we mean everything but alarming!


Charlie’s Bad Hair Day party was hosted this past Wednesday. Locals, travelers, bartenders, and anyone looking to have a good time participated in looking their worst by creating some truly bad hairstyles.


With an every so joyous crowd, the bad hair styles seemed to lift up this already uplifting group to new levels of carelessness, all living under the same principle of having a good time with the people that surround you.





Photos from Charlie's Bar

Another perk? Charlie’s recently started serving liter liquor mixed drink buckets for 89kn. As if this happy bunch needed another reason to love this place, we don’t know why this crowd would choose to go anywhere else!
