
Over 50,000 Croats Relocated to Germany Just in the Last Year

By 2 July 2016

In April the authorities in Berlin introduced a legal bill to drastically limit access to social benefits for EU immigrants

Immigration from EU countries has reached a record level in Germany last year with over 685,000 people, most coming from Romania, Poland and Bulgaria, Poslovni Dnevnik reported on July 2, 2016.

During 2015 685,485 EU citizens arrived to Germany, while at the same time 303,036 moved out, making for an increase of 382,449 EU immigrants, official data from the Federal Migration and Refugee Service state.

The top country from which citizens are moving to Germany is Romania with 174,779 arrivals, followed by Poland (147,910), Bulgaria (71,709) and then Croatia (50,646), data shows.

The largest EU economy in Germany has a growth envied by its neighbours and a relatively low unemployment (6.1%), attracting EU citizens in search for a better life.

In April official Berlin presented a legal bill which would drastically limit access to social benefits for EU immigrants. According to the report, 4.1 million non-German EU citizens reside in Germany.
