
Domestic ICT Sector can Almost Double Number of Workers

By 7 July 2016

The limiting factor remain experts, a lack of qualified professionals coming into the job market and hesitation in the completion of key reforms

The Croatian Employers Association (HUP) and the National Council for Competitiveness presented results of an analysis of the Croatian ICT sector in 2015 and its global competitiveness, completed by Bisnode company, as reported by on July 7, 2016.

The ICT sector employs almost 32 thousand people and generated 31 billion Kuna revenue. The consolidated export of this industry has surpassed five billion Kuna and a growth of 12 percent, significantly higher than the rest of the Croatian economy.

“Maybe the time has come to set some brace goals for this sector and push for more than the average,” said Hrvoje Balen, Deputy President of HUP and national coordinator of the initiative eSkills For Jobs.

The forerunner is again the computer programming sector (software production) and IT services with the highest number of employees. Its results are in line with the pharmaceutical and metal industry. Income has row by 11 percent, but the result in export is exceptional . 31 percent growth in 2015 alone.
