FantaSTikon Takes Place in Split This Weekend!

By 21 July 2016

The second edition of the FantaSTikon, a convention of fiction, games and science fiction, will be held from July 22-24. There will be over 70 hours of programming, including workshops, lectures, and a toy convention by Super H.I.K. FantaSTikon will be held at the Split Faculty of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering, FESB.

The organizers have prepared over 70 hours of programming, here is what you can look forward to:

Workshops with local artistic forces: Interactive and entertaining workshops each day. Children will have workshop making fairy wings, space jet-packs, bookmarks, and plaster casts for Star Wars. As for adults there will be workshops with writing drabblea, and drawing log in comic book form. There will even be workshops led by local artistic forces Sonja Gašperov Exile, Kristina Bilota Toxicpanda, Simon Pavlovic and Romana Jadrijević.

Quizzes and Film: Star Trek quiz in honor of the 50th anniversary, board game Double Jeopardy, and a Doctor Who quiz to name a few. The rich 11-hour film program includes Star Trek: Horizon, Koko and the Ghosts, and locally filmed Sirens and Screams, with author Ivan Peric lecturing about the experience of shooting a feature film in one shot.

Fantastic Literature and Lectures: Daria Keršić, Tanja Radman and indispensable Alexander Žiljak, are among the many lectures emphasizing "Where are we? What are we? Where are we going?". Ivica Puljka will speak about gravitational waves, gamma rays and black holes. There will also be talks about the cult film Alien, Game of Thrones, Terry Pratchet, Neil Gaiman, Alan Rickman, cosplay grounds, and failed fantasy in Yugoslavia.

Super H.I.K: Super H.I.K. will bring a series of games for 5 prize tournaments (Codenames, Blood Rage, Catan, Alias ​​and 7 Wonders) and more.

The registration fee for the convention for all three days is 75kn (for cosplayer 50kn, for members of the Association of F&ST 40k). Two day passes are 55 kn, and one day is 35kn (for members of the Association of F&ST 15kn). Students and employees of FESB have free admission.

More about the program here.
