
Ustasha Songs and Slogans Heard in Knin

By 5 August 2016

While most of celebrations of the Victory and Homeland Thanksgiving Day in Knin are proceeding as planned, there are always those who try to use such occasions to promote their chauvinist goals.

According to reports from Knin, an incident took place during today’s celebrations of the Victory and Homeland Thanksgiving Day, reports Index.hr on August 5, 2016.

Members of the 9th Battalion were marching through the city street, chanting “Za Dom Spremni!” (For Homeland Ready!) and singing various Ustasha songs. The police did not respond to these chants, and some officers of the Croatian Army in their ceremonial uniforms were reportedly seen waving to the marchers and showing them signs of support.

“Za dom spremni” was used as a slogan during the Independent State of Croatia (1941-1945), which was a Nazi-puppet state which supported Hitler’s side in the Second World War and committed numerous atrocities. According to the law, any use of the slogan and signing of the Ustasha songs is illegal, however, police on motorcycles today did not even flinch while passing next to the marchers, while some other police officers moved a barricade in order for the group to be able to pass.

The videos of the incident, along with the Ustasha songs, included repeated chants of “Za Dom Spremni!”.

The spokeswoman for the Šibenik-Knin Police Department Marica Kosor was not available for comment.
