Help Spread the Word: KBC Split Needs You to Donate Blood this Week

By 30 August 2016

The good deed of donating blood never goes unnoticed, especially when supplies are running low. KBC Split has urged those that can and want to donate blood to help replenish their supplies this week.

KBC’s Center for Transfusion Medicine is asking you to donate blood this Wednesday and Thursday from 7:30h-18h at Firule hospital. All citizens that can and want to donate blood should.


Currently, all blood types are missing, including both positive and negative types. Although the situation is not alarming, stocks are running very low. If a significant amount of blood donations do not come in, the situation could be made much worse says Dr. Jela Mratinović-Mikulandra, head of the Center for Transfusion Medicine.


If you have some free time in the next few days and wish to get some good karma back in your favor, you know when you need to be.


Blood donations will be accepted Wednesday, August 31 and Thursday, September 1 from 7:30h-18h at Firule hospital. Help spread the word!
