
HDZ and MOST Conclude First Round of Negotiations

By 13 September 2016

The first meeting of the two parties lasted more than four hours.

After more than four hours, the first round of negotiations on forming a new government between HDZ and MOST has finished, reports Večernji List on September 13, 2016.

After the meeting, HDZ president Andrej Plenković and MOST president Božo Petrov spoke to reporters. “We have only discussed our demands which we have presented ten days ago”, said Petrov, adding that this was the beginning of possible future cooperation. He also said that the next meeting would take place next week and that they had received suggestions from the other side. “We have positive impressions. I would be glad if we were to continue in this manner”, concluded Petrov.

Plenković said that the next round of negotiations would take place on Monday. “We want to use the time which the Constitution allows us to come to a comprehensive agreement. Croatia cannot wait for too long”, said Plenković.

The meeting started at 5 pm at the HDZ headquarters. Plenković was accompanied by members of his party’s negotiating team, Zdravko Marić, Ivana Maletić, Gordan Jandroković, Davor Ivo Stier and Davor Božinović. Petrov was accompanied by Miroslav Šimić, Ivan Kovačić and Ante Čikotić.

During the meeting, Plenković left briefly to give an interview to RTL. “We want to agree on cooperation with MOST. They are explaining their seven demands. There are no ultimatums. The talks have just started today and will continue”, said Plenković in the interview. “My goal is to establish foundation in order to form a government as quickly as possible and have a stable parliamentary majority”, added Plenković. He said that they would first meet with MOST, but that they were open to possible meetings with other parties as well.

Asked which of MOST’s demands required more detailed discussion, Plenković said that the main issue was related to the exclusive economic zone at the Adriatic Sea. He pointed out that there are certain EU competences in the common fisheries policy which have to be taken into account and that it required a detailed technical and legal analysis.
