Tomorrow, All Are Welcome to Enjoy the International Day of Walking on Marjan

By 4 October 2016

International Day of Walking is an opportunity for children in Split and surrounding areas to enjoy Marjan park with the help of the picture book “Let's Go to Marjan!"

"Let’s Go to Marjan" is the name of a picture book that all interested parties can receive tomorrow, beginning at 10:30h, at the first lookout on Marjan. In addition to tomorrow marking the International Day of Walking, it is also an opportunity for children (and adults) to be introduced to this revealing story about “Marjan etiquette”. The event is organized by the Public Institution for Park-Forest Marjan.


The picture book "Let's Go to Marjan" is intended for preschoolers and children in lower grades of elementary school, and was published with a grant through the initiative "Jer sve smo to MI!".


The International Day of Walking is in collaboration with eco-schools of the City of Split, who have also organized a full week of walking for first graders.


Children attending Marjan tomorrow will enjoy instructive walks at the park, picture books and canvas backpacks suitable for walks in the woods.


Here is the entire program for tomorrow:


10.30 am - Gathering at the first lookout, presentation of the picture book "Let's Go to Marjan", eco-backpacks and children's folders, the presence of regional managers; distribution of picture books and gifts to children.


10.45 am - Departure to walk with elementary school students of OŠ Mejaši accompanied by educator JU PŠ Marja and other guests.


Educational walks: First Vidilica - Botićevo walkway - St. Nicholas Church - Marjan rocks - Children's Town.


11.40 am - Arrival at the Children's Castle - stay in the countryside until departure at 12.30


The educational picture book for children has been published with the aim of raising awareness about the importance of preserving nature, embedding it into young ones as early as possible in order to acquire healthy habits and positive emotional attitudes towards the environment.
