City of Split to Use EU Funds to Finance New Buses and a New Bus Garage in Dračevac

By 5 October 2016

The city of Split is the holder of the Urban agglomeration of Split, which includes 12 more cities and municipalities. By the year 2023, Split will have the opportunity to attract 62.7 million euros from the EU for the implementation of development projects.

The city of Split, in addition to the other 12 cities and municipalities that are covered by the Urban agglomeration, has the opportunity to take advantage of 62.7 million euros by the year 2023, from EU funds through the ITU mechanism. Ela Žižić, head of the City Department of Economy, Tourism, and International and EU funds, says the money will be intended for the private, public and civil sector, and expects to receive the first funds in the first quarter of next year, reports Dalmacija News.


“Measures to be financed under this mechanism are: measures for clean urban transport, measures for the institutionalization of social and health services, youth activities, activities to improve the quality of vocational education, the use of derelict sites, and for the development of business infrastructure and programs for entrepreneurs. A segment that will be funded exclusively through this mechanism is the revitalization of the heating system,” said Žižić, while she explained that the ITU mechanism system for the withdrawal of funds from EU funds is intended for urban areas.


Thus far, the funds have been mostly allocated for the development of rural areas, while cities like Split and Zagreb did not have the ability to get money for their development projects.


Ivo Baldasar, Mayor of Split, noted that this amount exceeds the amount that the EU funds managed to attract for other Croatian cities. He believes that the key to success is the joint work of all local governments, regardless of the political options that are in power.


“We also have great support from the ministry and minister Tolušić. If we had that support before I think we would have been able to realize several projects. Each city and each municipality has developed its projects, and what is most important in the city of Split is a project related to Promet Split and Dračevac - developing new garages in the former army barracks and the development of infrastructure in terms of transport, meaning the acquisition of new buses and the construction of a new garage on Dračevac. The court will come to order, but we'll see how long it will take to receive the money. Everything is ready and waiting for the decision of Splitska Banka after which the city must start the procedure, and the ministry is ready,” claims the mayor.


Besides Split, the Urban agglomeration includes:  Kaštela, Omiš, Sinj, Solin, Trogir, Dicmo, Dugi Rat, Dugopolje, Klis, Lećevica, Muć and Podstrana. Each city and municipality are developing their own projects that they plan to finance in this way. Podstrana will also try to implement 7 projects including landscaping the coast, bicycle paths and a business incubator. Klis municipality will finance the construction of tunnels through Kočinje hill and continued construction of the tunnel through Kozjak. Dugopolje will arrange bicycle paths, will establish a support institution for 330 entrepreneurs in the economic zone, and create an interpretation center on the mountain Mosor, through which visitors can familiarize themselves with the specifics of Mosor such as flora and fauna.
