A True Brand of Croatian National Heritage Prepares a Spectacle at Spaladium Arena

By 14 October 2016

One of the best Croatian brands that is a real and true guardian of the Croatian national heritage, folk dancing and song, ensemble Lado is preparing a musical spectacle at Spaladium Arena.

It has been a number of years since Lado has returned to the city of Split, with this unique musical and dance performance returning to Split on Friday, 25 November at 19h, reports Dalmatinski Portal.


In addition to the standard repertoire with choreography, Lado will show the people of Split three new items that show the songs, dances and customs of Slavonia, Baranja and Posavina. The musical part of the program will focus on the music icons of the Lado ensemble Emilia Cosset, Božo Potočnik and Marijan Makar.


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Image by Lado


Dancers and singers will be transformed from a dance ensemble into a representative folk choir and musicians will play numerous traditional and classical instruments. With a rich collection of unique folk costumes of exceptional value, Lado ensemble, with their music and dance, promises an unforgettable show of the original Croatian traditions.


The professional folk ensemble Lado was founded in Croatia in 1949 with the aim of researching, artistically interpreting, and presenting on stage the most beautiful examples of the rich Croatian music and dance traditions. Lado, through their work, brings together major Croatian ethno and choreographers, music arrangers and folklorists, and composers and conductors inspired by the folk music. Lado’s presentation of the wealth and diversity of folk expression in such a small space such as Croatia is unique in the world.


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Image by Lado


Lado has performed at some of the world's largest stages and concert podiums such as the Royal Albert Hall in London to New York's Broadway, from the Moscow Tchaikovsky Concert Hall to the Mann Auditorium in Tel Aviv, and a number of the world's best opera houses, festivals, world exhibitions and Olympic Games.


Tickets for the performance at Spaladium Arena can be purchased online at www.croatia-ticket.com and www.eventim.hr and at all Eventim and Croatia Records stores. From October 8 to 22, tickets can be purchased at a special promotional price of 60, 80, 100 and 160 kn. Children, students and pensioners on the presentation of their status, are entitled to a permanent discount on the ticket price.
