A novel way to experience the Pearl of the Adriatic this New Year.
DuRun10K, the first of its kind, is a New Years Day race in and around one of the worlds most beautiful cities, and the only New Years Day race in a UNESCO World Heritage site. In the three years since its ''birth'', it has taken its place as one of Dubrovnik's most popular international attractions of the winter season.
Three years ago during a conversation, my partner and business associates came up with the idea of a street run in our very own city. The undying beauty and popularity of Dubrovnik among tourists from far and wide was sure to prove itself in the spirit of recreational sport, and at what better time of year than the season in which Dubrovnik reclaims its identity back from the summertime tourism machine.
The increasingly popular race saw more than 200 runners in its debut year, with an Olympic runner (Matea Matosevic) taking first place, and more than 300 runners this year. Applications are being taken currently at: http://www.durun10k.com/applic ations/ at a price of €20.
Each race begins with the lighting of the Torch for Peace, a well known, worldwide organisation that has for many years been at the forefront of bringing sport and humanitarian causes together. PeaceRun, founded in 1987 by Sri Chinmoy as a run for international understanding and friendship, has gained support from some of the most powerful and prominent personalities of our time.
For a mere €20 start fee, runners can partake in a truly unique recreational athletic experience in a truly unique location, in which various other events at the Dubrovnik Winter Festival can be enjoyed. The race is supervised and judged by official representitives from the Croatian Athletic Federation, with the first prize being a very handsome €1000.
Find out more about DuRun10K here: http://www.durun10k.com/en/