How to Visit Game of Thrones Klis Fortress by Bus from Split

By 14 July 2014

The entrance to inland Dalmatia could not be more magnificent from Split, with the majestic Klis Fortress holding the keys, looking imperiously down on the Dalmatian capital and islands beyond.

The fortress was of course, the setting for Game of Thrones filming for season 4, and there has been an increase in tourism as a direct result. One of the best organised tours is that offered by Vetus Itinera, which you can learn about here.  

Tourists often think it might be too difficult to get to and so rarely bother, which is a shame, as it is only 20 minutes away by bus, and there is the added advantage of trying the infamous Klis lamb to make the visit complete. 

Information on how to get there is not that easy to find online, so here is how to do it by bus:

Bus 22: 7:00, 8:50, 10:20, 11:45, 13:00, 14:30, 15:50, 17:20, 18:50, 20:20, 21:50 from HNK (the Croatian National Theatre, at the top of Marmontova) to Klis Megdan.

BUT! On Saturdays and Sundays it is bus line number 16, which only leaves at 20:20 and 21:50. 

Bus 34: 5:00, 6:30, 10:15, 14:30 from local bus station by the police station. Or from the same place, there are 2 buses that go up to the fortress or you can also take buses 35 or 36 that go to Dugopolje or Koprivno and get off at bus station by the Caffe Bar Oprah on the road and walk about 10-15 min up to fortress...

Entrance to the fortress is 20 kuna for adults, 10 kuna for kids. And DON'T visit Klis without stopping for its famous lamb at one of the restaurants close to the fortress. Unless you are vegetarian of course... 
