
Prosciutto in Support of Health - The 4th Promina Trail in Drniš

By 15 March 2018

Feeling hungry but don't want to pay the physical price? Head to Drniš.

Incessantly pursuing the basic instinct to be and remain healthy while being swamped with food processed with additives and god knows what, the ever more impoverished population of the world has, at least in part, had to turn their eyes away from expensive sports, like tennis, golf, and skiing.

Running requires a basic, comfortable pair of modest shoes, and there you go. This should be the main cause for such ubiquitous blossoming of trails, trekkings, not to mention of thousands of 5K and 10K tracks and runs all around the globe in recent times. Affordable, recreational, healthy, social, and good all around.

Croatia is not behind any other countries in that. On the contrary - not many people actually know just how many organised events of the sort happen across the nation each and every year, but plenty, there are!

Am I right in thinking that ''Dalmatia'' provokes images of a beautiful coastline, beaches, swimming, sailing? Does it ever associate on its own hinterland, the Dalmatian Zagora, just half an hour's drive from one of those idyllic beaches?

The toponym Drniš lives in my hand with the word '''pršut'' (cured ham), for one simple reason - Drniš produces the best pršut in the world, no exaggeration, it is official, so feel free to check and of course taste! The occasion for a taste could come in the form of the Promina Trail in Drniš. Named after this picturesque mountain ''of thousands of faces'', it is going to happen on this coming March the 24th, 2018.

Its fourth season, within the association of Dalmatian Trail League, the trail offers three different tracks (10, 20 and 30 km) so that anybody can find a path suited to their personal capacities, from actually walking and arriving to the finish is a mild, winding slope, to some ''real'' mountain trailing manageable by only those in good shape and with lots of stamina.

Once there, you can visit many interesting places. Like elsewhere around this area, general history hasn't exactly been kind to this region. Just to mention that Drniš was occupied by the Ottoman Empire for about two hundred years, during which time the Turks built five mosques, is enough of an illustration. The last of them still lives in the form of its minaret (the mosque was donated by the last Turkish administrator to a local official who turned it into a Catholic Church, but wisely left the minaret intact).

The trail can truly be one of those memorable days in the unspoiled karst right in the backstage of the sea, breathing in pure and clean mountain breeze, activity, socialising, idyllic nature around, all beneficial to your health, of course.

In addition to the health benefits from running, this event will be beneficial to your palate, too, as the pršut from Drniš is both tasty and nutritious.

Run, eat, and be healthy and happy!

For more info, click here.
