
Cargabe Run Rally Passes Through Croatia

By 6 July 2018

While not exactly garbage, cars are old and rusty.

In addition to the superrich who drive their Lamborghinis and Ferraris through Croatia these days, a group of old and rusty cars has also passed through Croatia, although at slightly lower speeds, reports Autostart on July 6, 2018.

The participants of the Carbage Run rally are the complete opposite of anything which you have seen until now. The rally lasts for five days, and participants travel through several European countries, including Croatia. The only rule of this unusual event is that cars taking part in the rally must be over 15 years old and must not be worth more than 500 euro. The purpose of the rally, which is the total opposite of Gumball, OneLife Rally, and others, is to have fun and enjoy the time spent together.

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This morning the streets of Zagreb saw some of the participants of the rally. The goal is for the cars to look as bad and rusty as possible in order to attract the most attention. It is also desirable to have cars painted in bright colours and to add some imaginative accessories, such as having gas containers on the roof, use truck horns, etc...

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The caravan with over a thousand such cars passed through Germany, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary and Croatia, and the rally will end today in Slovenia.

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According to the official website, Carbage Run was first launched in 2008 in The Netherlands, and the first run took place in the summer of 2009. The name Carbage is a combination of Car and Garbage. The first edition had 64 cars on the starting grid. Carbage run has become so popular in Europe that all editions are sold out and have waiting lists. What started as a hobby turned into a serious company that organizes all kinds of car-related events and travel packages.
