
Cres Holding Campaign Against Plastic This Weekend

Hardcore eco-warrior or just concerned about the rising problem of plastic pollution in the sea? Either way, the beautiful island of Cres is the place to be this weekend.

As Morski writes on the 27th of July, 2018, under the professional organisation of the Terra Hub association this weekend, along with the support of Cres, Greenpeace, and the Zero Waste Croatia initiative, the cleaning up of Tarej bay in the island of Cres will take place, with the aim to remove harmful plastic waste.

The action will also aim to educate local residents on the damage plastic causes, and how to properly and realistically minimise its usage.

Educational workshops for children and parents will also be organised in the Town of Cres, and people will be able to better inform themselves on the damage to the environment caused by plastic, calculate their ''plastic stamp/footprint'' and sign a petition seeking resolute steps in solving one of the worst and most dangerous ecological crises currently going on today.

The pressing question of ''how do we go through the day without using plastic?'' will be answered extensively by Marko Capek. Capek is otherwise the co-founder of the Terra Hub association, and is a major advocate of such life-changing habits, he himself has been employing alternative solutions to plastic for a year when going about his daily life.

From the plastic waste collected up from the bay, volunteers and activists will symbolically present a dolphin installation in Tarej bay, in honour of the favourite inhabitant of the Cres-Lošinj aquatorium. This species is unfortunately one of several, like peaceful sea turtles, becoming increasingly endangered owing to the worrying amount of plastic in the sea, the amount of which continues to grow year on year.
