
Lifestyle Medicine in Focus of Second Day of Adriatic Health Investment Forum

By 13 October 2018

“Diet is a key factor for good health.”

The second day of the Investment Forum on Health and Tourism of Adriatic Region held in Zagreb began with presentations and a panel discussion on lifestyle medicine and the importance of preventive methods for preserving health and longevity.

Dr. Mladen Golubić, director of the Centre for Integrative and Lifestyle Medicine at the Cleveland Clinic's Wellness Institute, emphasized the importance of lifestyle and the role of the individual in maintaining good health, preventing the onset of illnesses and, consequently, in prolonging human life. He highlighted the choice of diet as a key factor that can help everyone influence their own health.

In addition, physical activity is crucially important – according to Cleveland Clinic’s research, just ten minutes of physical activity a week is enough to make you feel better and happier and to protect yourself from various disorders that come as a result of stress and unhealthy habits.

Other prominent participants agreed with the presentation, including Dr. Tomislav Majić, an expert and associate of Medicinska Grupa d.o.o., an initiator and advocate for new preventive health programmes applied in health centres throughout Slovenia, Ms. Ajla Čobo, who presented the wellness concept of Slovenia’s Terme Portorož , Dr. Lutz Lungwitz, who presented the German model of medical wellness as an excellent preventive programme in hotels and resorts, Mr. Fabian Modena from Horwath Consulting, wellness department director in Bangkok and a wellness treatment specialist, and Alex Sors, ​​a consultant at RLA, a company specializing in wellness and spa programmes.

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Medical wellness as a form of disease prevention and health protection, as well as promoting healthy habits of each individual, are a new type of programme that will be included in the tourist offer of Croatia and the region.

Joint action as the key to achieving the results was supported by the Zagreb Health Tourism Cluster, which brings together renowned private healthcare institutions from the Zagreb area, as well as by the Association of Croatian American Professionals from the US, with its newly-established branch in Croatia.

The conclusions of the forum send a strong message about the importance of connecting health and tourism – designing preventive programmes to encourage healthier lifestyles and incorporating them into a joint tourist offer.
