
VIDEO: Watch MORH Drone Footage Over the Adriatic Sea

As Morski writes on the 21st of May, 2019, the new Orbiter 3 is MORH's new means for the country's Homeland Security system, and will be used for by the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Croatia and the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Croatia.

MORH states that their aircraft will be used in early fire detection, in the control of waterways and roads, support in crisis situations, and for support in the control of the country's borders.

The Orbiter 3 drone weighs 30 kilograms, its flight range is 150 km and it can be in the air for as long as seven hours, and when descending, a parachute is released. Its wingspan is 4.4 metres wide and it can cruise at 130 kilometres per hour.

The unmanned aircraft was first introduced to the public during the Paris Air Show back in 2005. It is made entirely of carbon composite and is powered by an electric motor, in addition it is equipped with an optical and an infrared camera, and data link and navigation systems (GPS and INS).

What is also interesting to note is the fact that the Serbian army acquired ten such Orbiters eleven years ago, In addition to Serbia and Israel, these Orbiter drones are used by Azerbaijan, Finland, Ireland, Mexico, Peru, Poland and Uganda.

Although the Orbiter 3 prototype was first introduced back in 2011, there have been improved versions of its two predecessors (in addition to the camera, a laser sight has also been added), MORH did not publicly disclose the characteristics of the camera itself on this particular version. The manufacturer has rather vaguely written that it boasts a "high definition camera", but whether or not that is in reference to 2019's standards, we don't know.

These drones should also control fishing in the Adriatic sea, and a contract worth 4.88 million euros with the Israeli company Aeronautics was signed by the Minister of Agriculture Tomislav Tolušić back in May 2018.

View MORH's new drone footage here:

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