
Big Brother is Watching: Modern Cameras Placed on Croatian Roads

By 7 October 2019

More technologically advanced cameras than previous generations have now officially been placed along Croatia's roads by the Croatian police (MUP), and would-be speed freaks and careless drivers are being warned to beware.

As Poslovni Dnevnik writes on the 7th of October, 2019, over the last few weeks, you have probably read several articles both from us and likely from elsewhere in which the Croatian Ministry of the Interior (MUP) boasted about them having purchased and installed a large number of brand new, modern traffic surveillance cameras throughout Croatia, or on all major thoroughfares between cities.

These are next-generation cameras that are technologically more advanced than previous generations, much harder to spot, and will surely start filling the state budget up with cash from careless drivers very soon, according to a report from

At the moment, they are only being tested, but statistics have already shown that in just two months, they recorded more than 50,000 traffic violations, with the most common offence being drivers exceeding the speed limit. But that's not all, Croatia's new road cameras can also capture videos of, for example improper overtaking, as well as the use of smartphones while driving, or not wearing a seat belt. MUP's new and updated Big Brother sees it all.

Various sources cite different figures when it comes to just how many cameras are now set up along Croatian roads, but without going into specifics, be sure that literally hundreds of new cameras will monitor traffic.

Various sources are still claiming that you can get a “50 percent discount” on fines of less than 2,000 kuna, of course, if you pay it within three days of receiving the penalty, among other things.

Here are some of the technical features of the new cameras poised and ready to capture driving offences along Croatian roads that are good to know:

- The cameras' radar beam covers up to six traffic lanes, working 24/7

- Vehicles are “hunted” at 100 meters and a photo is taken at 35 meters

- They can record up to 32 vehicles in a bundle at any one time (going both ways)

- They can measure speeds up to 300 km/h

-  They boast a 20MP sensor that captures four frames per second

Make sure to take care, buckle your seat belt, stay off your phone and observe the speed limit when driving along Croatian roads in future, as it seems that there'll be very little chance of you getting out of a fine now.

Follow our dedicated lifestyle page for more on driving in Croatia.
