
Split Fish Market Continues to Operate Under Slightly Different Rules

By 19 March 2020

March 19, 2020 - The Split fish market will continue to operate during the corona crisis, but under slightly different rules from Thursday. 

Since the beginning of December last year, a decision was made that fish could no longer be sold in the outdoor area of the Split fish market and could only be sold indoors, reports Slobodna Dalmacija.

In the meantime, the coronavirus pandemic appeared, forcing Split fish market sellers to come together to send an appeal to those responsible for the concessionaire.

On Wednesday morning, they appealed to the following: ‘We are asking the State Inspectorate, the City of Split, the concessionaire Hippos and all those responsible for permitting the sale of fish in the times of crisis, for the benefit and health of customers, sellers, workers of the Split fish market and all citizens of Split, to work outdoors, part-time!

To restore us to our original state, because we think that in this current indoor space, the density of people is high, and therefore the possibility of infection is much higher. We hope that you see the situation and will make the right decision.”

Karoglan, the director of the Hippos company, which is a concessionaire of Split's Pazar and fish market, was categorical on Wednesday morning, saying they would not be able to move outdoors.

On Wednesday night, the following announcement was shared:

“Dear Customers and Colleagues,

The Split fish market will work tomorrow according to standard working hours from 6 am to 13 pm, but according to slightly different rules…

1. The Split fish market has 3 entrances. As of tomorrow, there will be only one entrance for customers, the one by Marmontova. The entrance from the spa and the entrance from the market will be closed to customers.

2. The Split fish market will have a person at the door who will be responsible for the number of people in the fish market itself. 

Because the fish market is 400 square meters, it was decided that 80 people is the maximum number that can be found inside at any given moment, i.e., if there are 35 sellers at one time, a maximum of 45 buyers will be able to enter.”

They also asked everyone to comply with the rules.

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