
Croatian National Theater in Split Will Soon be Accessible for People with Disabilities

By 10 July 2020
Croatian National Theater in Split Will Soon be Accessible for People with Disabilities
Grad Split

July 10, 2020 - The inaccessibility of the Croatian National Theater in Split for people with disabilities will soon become a thing of the past.

Dalmatinski Portal reports that everything is ready, one of the most important infrastructural interventions - the installation of an elevator, which will finally bring the program of the Split HNK closer to people with disabilities. The City of Split has initiated the procedure for the procurement of elevators, as well as the procurement procedure for reconstruction works to install elevators.

The estimated value of the purchase was 195 thousand kuna, excluding VAT, and is funded by the EU project 'TURISM4ALL' in cooperation with JU RERA and HNK, which aims to promote the availability of tourist destinations and cultural heritage across borders. The value of the reconstruction works amounts to HRK 395 thousand, excluding VAT. The deadline for submission of bids is July 13, 2020, at the latest.


In 2019, the City of Split ordered the development of major projects for the adaptation of the Split HNK building to people with disabilities and reduced mobility. With this project, it is planned to install an elevator from the level of the entrance area on the ground floor of the Croatian National Theater to the level of the first floor - the foyer, from where access to the lodges (mezzanine) is provided. The installation of the elevator is planned where the cash register is currently located. All projects for adapting the HNK building to people with disabilities have been approved by the Ministry of Culture, Conservation Department in Split, according to the City of Split.

With this project, the Croatian National Theater becomes another cultural institution that is accessible, after the first elevator in the Old Town was installed in the Golden Gate Center due to the accessibility of the cinema to spectators. The new building of the Croatian Home is accessible for people with disabilities, and the adaptation of the Old Town Hall and the new polyvalent hall on the Square of the Croatian Fraternal Union is underway. The goal is to make culture accessible to all and encourage everyone to get involved in the social life of the city.

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