
145 Lives Saved Thanks to Ana Rukavina Foundation's "I Want Life" Drive

By 1 December 2021

ZAGREB, 1 December, 2021 - This month, as every December, the Ana Rukavina Foundation is organising the "I want life" campaign to raise funds for the enlargement of the Croatian Registry of Haematopoietic Stem Cell Donors, thanks to which 145 lives have been saved to date.

Throughout December, by calling 060 9000, citizens can donate HRK 5 plus VAT to support this noble drive, the Foundation said on Wednesday, adding that its work and advocacy has helped to enlarge the Registry and establish the Ana Rukavina Umbilical Cord Blood Bank as part of the KBC Zagreb hospital.

Over 61,500 potential haematopoietic stem cell donors

The Registry has more than 61,500 potential donors, and to date more than 440 registration drives have been organised in 150 towns.

According to 2014 data, Croatia ranked 11th in the world according to the number of potential haematopoietic stem cell donors per 10,000 population and 8th according to the number of cord blood donations per 10,000.

This year the Ana Rukavina Foundation has donated some HRK 1.3 million to Croatia's healthcare system for equipment and projects, including almost HRK 135,000 worth of human leukocyte antigen typing tests to the KBC Zagreb hospital, and HRK 1 million for equipping one sterile unit at this hospital's pediatric hematology, oncology and stem cell transplantation institute.

The Foundation has also donated HRK 183,000 to a home for children aged 5-17 without parental care which was damaged in last year's earthquakes.

It has also facilitated the specialisation of young Croatian doctors at the world's best hospitals for hematology and pediatrics.

(€1 = HRK 7.5)
