
A Big Turnaround: Local Support for Hotel Valkane Construction in Pula

May 31, 2022 - After the citizens had the opportunity to get acquainted with the real intentions to build a hotel in the former quarry at Valkane, as well as its appearance, the results of a survey conducted by the market research and public opinion agency IPSOS showed that, after hearing all relevant information, the majority of Pula residents, 58.3% support the construction of hotels, while 34.4% are against, and 7.3% of citizens are without answers.

It is interesting to note that 56.6% of citizens believe that demanding a referendum on building a hotel Valkane is a political game and collecting political points, only 30.9% believe that it is a real concern for citizens, while 12.5% ​​do not know.


 - In order for democracy to function, it is necessary to inform the decision-maker and we really try to communicate our every step publicly. We believed that, after getting acquainted with the project, a larger number of citizens will have a positive opinion of the project, which has now proved to be true. Regardless of what we do exclusively according to laws and valid plans, we care that citizens understand all segments of the project. Unfortunately, we have become the subject of political battles in which we do not want to participate. Opponents of the hotel conducted the research before the project was presented to the public and during a negative campaign marked by untruths and intimidation of citizens, and this has nothing to do with democratic decision-making based on true information. Unfortunately, these days they continue with the same rhetoric and we will be forced to seek legal protection from such untruths, but we are glad that more and more citizens support a project that will never bring a beautiful hotel, landscaped forest park, and public park and 250 year-round jobs, Hotel Valkane company said.


The same survey showed that 11.7% of citizens have not heard of this project so far, and of those who have, 37.3% know a lot about it, 38.3% do not know enough, while 12.7% have heard of the project, but they know nothing about it.

When we talk about the current situation in the area of ​​the former quarry at Valkane, 19.9% ​​of citizens believe that the situation in that location is good and that nothing needs to change, while 47.9% of them disagree and think that the location is insecure and ugly and urgent remediation and conversion is needed. 24.1% of them do not know and have not been there for a long time, 3% of citizens do not know where it is, and 5.1% do not know.


Almost two thirds of respondents agree that Pula needs five-star hotels, such as those built in Rovinj, of which 30.9% think it is very important, and 30.4% think they need it, but not very important. 24.7% of them believe that such hotels in Pula should not be built, but they would not mind, while only 12% of citizens would mind building such content, and 2% of them are unanswered, the results of this study showed.


- We continue to inform citizens about all the details and activities and about each phase of the project in the coming months, from the preparatory works, permits and finally the construction and opening of the hotel, concluded the company Hotel Valkane.

The survey of citizens' attitudes for Hotel Valkane was conducted by the IPSOS agency from 23 to 27 May 2022, on a representative sample of 600 respondents over the age of 18 residing in the City of Pula.

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