September the 19th, 2022 - What should you put inside a Croatian survival kit? The Civil Protection Direcorate of the Republic of Croatia has issued a whole host of recommendations.
As Poslovni Dnevnik writes, a Croatian survival kit is similar to that of Germany, as reported by Vecernji list, stating that due to a possible lack of electricity, food, water, medicine, medical and hygiene supplies, not to mention the proper documents, paper money, blankets, shoes, a flashlight, a whistle, matches... should all be prepared in a Croatian survival kit.
The German Association of Cities and Municipalities has warned of widespread power outages due to the energy crisis and has as such called on people to take the proper civil precautions and these recommendations very seriously. They published a list of supplies that every household should have in case of power, water and fuel outages. The possible risk of overloading the German electricity grid could be affected if the 650,000 electric heaters sold this year are connected to it, resulting in very valid fears of gas supply disruptions.
As such, the German authorities are advising that country's residents to stock up for ten days in order to be ready for possible crisis situations, however unlikely that might seem now.
The Republic of Croatia mostly produces its own electricity, meaning that a ten-day blackout for this country in particular would hardly occur. However, the Civil Protection Directorate of the Republic of Croatia has advised people that responsible preparation is the most important thing to keep in the forefront of our minds during all potentially emergency situations.
A whole package of recommendations has been issued on how to prepare a Croatian survival kit, how to deal with such a situation, how to behave and what you need to know in case of such a crisis unfolding. They're all available here.
"Among the very important recommendations are those for creating a family plan for emergency situations, which should be regularly tested out and constantly improved, as well as the preparation of the so-called Croatian survival kit that contains food and water, medicines, medical and first aid supplies, hygiene supplies, documents and paper money," they explained from the Ministry of the Interior (MUP), as reported by Vecernji list journalist Romana Kovacevic Barisic.
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