April 27, 2020 - The latest Glas Poduzetnika survey focuses on changes in legislation in Croatia.
Croatia is known in international circles as a country that changes its laws and subordinate legislation very often. That is a significant barrier for many foreign investors to decide to invest in Croatia or, for those who are already here, to stay. Of course, the speed and lack of clarity of all these rules, in particular, harm the work of all domestic entrepreneurs, who must deal with a mass of unclear, trackless, and often contradictory documents. During this time, we saw that many decisions were made quickly, which then clumsily began to be implemented. With all this in mind, we asked our members a simple question, "Can you keep track of all legislative changes?"
We collected the following answers:
More than 71% say very clearly that they don't follow them because there are too many of them. With them, almost 21% admit that for the majority of legislative acts, they don't even know that they were accepted. About 6% believe they are somewhat tracking them through accounting and other professional services. An alarming less than 1% said they know and follow all the latest regulations.
Do you manage to keep track of all changes to legislative requirements?
No, there’s too many
No, for most of them I don’t even know they were implemented
To a certain extent, through accounting and similar services
Yes, I know them all
These results clearly show that it is practically impossible to conduct business with this forest of rules. Every company would need considerable resources to invest in keeping track of any changes that occur now and then. Failure to do so opens various doors, for inspections of all kinds to punish them as they wish. The Glas Poduzetnika Association stands for Croatia 2.0, where everything will be digitalized, and where there will be more justice and less administration that hinders business and the work of the private sector. One of the newest requirements that we have instructed is that for every newly adopted regulation, two old rules get annulled. This way, we want to simplify the legal framework and make it easier for everyone in Croatia to apply it.
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