
As Firefighters Rush to Fire, Tourists Block the Way!

Several cars stopped at the exit of the A2 Zagreb - Macelj highway tunnel as a thunderstorm raged outside.

On the Facebook page ''Firefighters - They're our heroes'' (Vatrogasci - Oni su nasi heroji), video footage taken from the firetruck of JVP Krapina as they headed to intervene in an incident as violent thunderstorms hit the Zagorje area was posted showing something pretty jawdropping.

The images show how several cars, mainly with with foreign license plates caused significant problems as they took shelter from the storm inside the tunnel. By the time the firefighters arrived to the tunnel in their vehicle, they could not pass until the cars removed themselves, wasting the precious time of the firefighters on their way to intervene in an emergency.

Given the frequency of the fires that have raged throughout various locations in the country recently, the worst of which being in Podgora, it comes as an incredible insult to Croatian firefighters and their truly tireless efforts to keep people, animals and the landscape as safe as possible from wild fires which cause a great deal of devastation in various regions in Croatia throughout the hot summer months.

Otherwise, it is completely unlawful and punishable to stop or park inside tunnels in the Republic of Croatia and it's absolutely shocking to see such blatant disrespect for the law.
