
Local Klapa to Sing in Streets of Dubrovnik Once Again!

Five Dubrovnik Klapa groups will enchant both visitors and locals to our city.

As DuList reported on the 21st of July, 2017, the initiative of the City of Dubrovnik, the summer cultural and entertainment program "Ulicama našeg Grada" (The streets of our city) has been launched once again.

For over one month (July the 21st to August the 31st, 2017) both locals and visitors to our city will get to enjoy the rich Dubrovnik cultural and traditional heritage expressed through entertainment in the form of timeless Klapa performances. The concerts of five beloved Dubrovnik Klapa groups will take place at several attractive and comfortable locations both inside and outside Dubrovnik's historic centre.

Within the city's core, the concerts will take place from 21:30 until 22:30 while the concerts in Lapad will begin thirty minutes earlier, from 21:00 to 22:30.

The schedule of the concerts will take place according to the following schedule:

Friday - Klapa Kase - In front of the Dominican Monastery, Old City

Saturday - Klapa Maestral - In front of the Dominican Monastery, Old City

Monday - Klapa Ragusa - Peskarija

Wednesday - Klapa Subrenum - Peskarija

Thursday - Klapa Ragusavecchia - Setalište Kralja Zvonimira (King Zvonimir's Walkway), Lapad


Translated from DuList
